
I am stuff

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Mkyre's avatar

Literature Text

1. I am the one who will blow up the world one day, or at least do my best. I am the one who walks in the shadows during midnight inside my own home. I am a programmer, a coder, a hacker and a cracker. I am the one who makes computers bend to me will and do what I want them to. I am. I exist. “I think, Therefore I am” should just be “I am” or “I exist”. I am the one who is a crazy dreamer, I dream for a future without drugs, without crime, and without unhappiness, and then I blow it all up as I finally get enough antimatter to
destroy the earth. I am the one who knows, not believes, that the number 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything. I am the nameless one, for a name is a powerful thing and I refuse to give that sort of power to anyone. I am the one who is broken if you name me. I am the one who runs but never walks, has a mouth but never speaks, owns a bed yet never sleeps; I am the one who asks who am I to random people to hear their answers. I am tiny, yet mountains I move. I am the riddler, the jokester, the weirdo in the corner; I am every bully’s dream, and nightmare. I am the writer, the rapper, the creative one, words flow from my fingers without my mind ever thinking what it is saying. I am the one who cannot think and write: thinking causes my ability to write to implode and hide away from my fingers, which do the actual work of writing anyway. I am the one named Michelle, and I will not be forced into being something I am not for the sake of humanity. I am Me, Hear me MOO!

2. Sometimes I worry that my dream of blowing up the earth is impossible, that it’s impossible to take the moon or mars and slam them into earth at near light speed. Sometimes I worry it’s impossible to generate enough antimatter to destroy the earth, I want the earth as a heavenly body gone, I don’t care what happens to the people living on it, but I want it destroyed by my own hand or design, which is why I sometimes worry that is impossible to destroy the earth and when I start to worry that it is impossible I remember that such a thing as an infinite improbability engine exists, and nothing is impossible, just highly improbable.

3. I remember the good times and the bad times. I just cannot remember your name. I remember the times you’d shoot at me with a paint ball gun while I was still putting my padding on. I remember the day your father died, but my old friend, I just cannot remember your name. I remember many things that happened and I was there for all of them, but I cannot remember your name or what you looked like when we were still in high school. I remember coming up with the now famous trick question A^2=B^2, b^=C^2, A^2 cannot equal C^2, solve for b, but for some reason I cannot remember your name even though my life now depends on it. I remember choosing the side I’m on and getting word that you’d chosen the opposite side from me, I wanted to defect, join my old friend in glorious battle on the same side, but your side wanted to prevent my “Evil Genius” scheme to blow up the earth. So old friend, what are you going to do with that gun? Will you let me go, or will you take me in? Will you shoot me, or will you join me? But most importantly, please tell me your name, because I’d like to be able to remember the name of my oldest friend of all, and the name of the one person who managed to find and put me in this position of surrender. I remember the good times and the bad times, but I cannot remember your name, nor can I remember a time that you ever managed to beat me this soundly.

4. I cannot write today is a lie, today I have written many things in the past two or three hours of my being in school. But then I’ll never tell you a lie, though what I am saying now is a lie, Nor will I ever tell you the truth, for that is the truth. When I think I cannot write, so because I am writing this now means I am not thinking about what to write. When I think my writing creativity or muse or source of power, whatever you want to call it dries up and disappears, regardless of whether or not I want to write and think. Thinking is bad for writing because that is why I failed English four and three, my teachers asked me to think while writing and my writing went away until I stopped thinking. I do not know why thinking makes me unable to write but that is what happens when I think about how I want to write. I am lying to you as I type because everything I say to you is a lie and I always speak the truth, yet never do I lie because I always speak truth that is twisted by lies. Never will I tell you a lie, nor will I ever tell you the truth, for as I speak I am lying to you now. In America you can write, In Soviet Russia Write Can YOU!

5. I am not afraid or scared of something that is unknown because the very act of encountering the unknown makes it known. Fear is just not something I experience or have practical knowledge of. I know not fear, for what is fear but fear itself. Fear is the extreme version of caution, and caution is something I know, yet fear I know Not. It is an interesting dilemma because if caution is a lesser version of fear then shouldn’t I know fear? My answer is that caution is also a part of common sense, and that trait is something I do have in moderate amounts. My life is ruled by some sort of sense, I’m not sure if common sense is in charge, or the insane guy in the corner muttering “foobarbar mooky dooky fun fun” is the guy telling me what to do.

6. I once saw a creature with five heads, one was red, one was white, another was green, the fourth was blue and the fifth was black. Each head was a dragon’s head, and each head could breathe a different kind of violence from it’s mouth at an unsuspecting enemy. The mighty creature was larger than the empire state building, it had wings the size of a Wal-Mart parking lot. And with one bite it could eat a semi. This thing was huge and easily the toughest monster I had ever seen in my adventuring career, and it was on my side, it was fighting for my right to exist so its master could have me use the metallic orbs of dragonkind to subjugate and destroy the dragons aligned with good.

7. I’ll never tell you a lie, though what I just said is a lie itself. Never will I tell you the truth, for that is the truth. Lying is hardwired into my brain, or maybe honesty is the one, soldered onto my mind’s drain. Whichever way it goes, I’ll never tell you a lie so long as your hair is purple, black and white like a cow, or orange, because everything I say is a lie, and I am lying to you now.

8. I opened and upended a bag of holding and out came fifty two sporks, five Dress Blue Alphas, ten portable holes, my neighbor’s dead cat, five hundred pieces of gold (so That’s where I put my money.) a wand of wish, (I’ll have to remember that’s in there and wish for the world to blow up) my entire collection of  dungeons and dragons books, a +1 spiked helmet of spikey doom, the missing chainsaw of bloody dismemberment, a broad sword, a gentleman’s club, Every single power ranger to ever exist, (Yes, all 100+ power rangers were in my bag of holding, it’s huge you know!) the remains of the titanic, the Carrier Enterprise, the USS Enterprise E and captain Jon Luc Piccard inside a bottle, (thanks Q, I’ll remember that I’m never to play with time out of idle boredom again as long as I get to torment Mon Capitan) the completed works of Merlin, (man does that guy get around) my lunch for the day (ham and gouda on rye) my hexadecimal calculator, the laptop I keep in there, (hope it didn’t break when it fell on top of the pillows I keep stuffed and wrapped around it to keep it safe) Morkaiden’s magnificent mansion (that place is huge, it does exist in six dimensions, after all) the list could go on and on and on, a Bag of holding weighs a couple of pounds, but it can hold tons of material and cubic miles of space, you can put whatever you want into one of these bags, so long as the opening will let you shove it through. Sufficed to say, I keep all my random junk in this bag which weighs a mere five pounds, but everything inside it weighs several tons, and takes up a couple hundred cubic meters of volume when not in the bag. I even have a deck of many things in there somewhere.

9. I like my room for the books. I enjoy the basement for the quiet I can acquire. Computers give me something to work my anger out against. Reading is my ultimate passion and this something I do when I am alone and boredom sets in. The death of the world will be interesting, I hope I live long enough to see it.

10. The day I blow up the world will be the happiest day of my life. Previous days were when Eureka: Small Town, Big Secrets was announced. When Supreme Commander was announced. Hellgate: London’s announcement is also in the top five. Along with Bioshock and Spore, I love computer games!
Presented with ten prompt thingys i came up with these responses.
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KatiraMoon's avatar
I hardly ever read stuff, I'm too lazy... I should properly read a book, haven't done that in a while... ^^; Anyway, I really like this one, this deserve a :+fav:!